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“Dual language learner children” are defined as children whose first language is a language other than English or children who are developing two or more languages, one of which may be English.
The Migration Policy Institute states that, 59% of California children from birth to five speak a language other than English in the home.
To better support children, families and teachers with multilingualism, the California Department of Education has developed a standardized approach to identify dual language learners within state preschool programs.
Watch Training Video ❯
Sample Forms/Tools ❯
Review Sketch Pad Notes ❯
Determining DLL Status
According to Management Bulletin 23-03, contractors must determine the dual language learner status for every child enrolled in the state preschool program using one of two approaches: parents completing the Family Language Instrument or obtaining information on the child's designation as an English learner in transitional kindergarten or kindergarten.
The Family Language Instrument is a four question survey that can be included within the enrollment packet for families to complete as part of the application process or asked through an interview process with the child’s family.
NOTE: It is strongly encouraged to communicate the intent & purpose of the instrument prior to families completing. To the extent possible, the instrument should be provided in the language the family speaks.
The Family Language Instrument must be:
Completed upon enrollment
One for each child even if there are multiple children in the same family
Maintained in the family data file
A child is considered a dual language learner if the answer to questions 1, 3, or 4 indicates that they speak a language other than English.
For families who initially indicted English only, but program staff determine within 30 calendar days, though child observations, that the child demonstrates they speak, respond to, or understand a language other than English, the contractor must share these observations with the family & review the responses to the instrument, updating as necessary to ensure proper designation.
This will require an update to the DLL designation in the PLIS reporting system to either a parent update which is when the parent updates their responses to the instrument or teacher designation which can only occur when the parent refuses to update their answers on the instrument.
NOTE: The initial date the instrument was administered should not change as this date demonstrates you are meeting compliance of conducting the instrument no later than upon enrollment.
If Teacher Designation is used, contractors must include the following in the family file:
Written observations for how the child has demonstrated they speak, respond to, or understand a language other than English, &
Documentation from conversation with the family about their responses to the Family Language Instrument
Obtaining Child’s Designation

For children that are dually enrolled in CSPP for Extended Learning and Care around their Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten program day, CSPP contractors can seek to obtain the child's English Learner (EL) designation to determine DLL status by:
Asking family for the child’s English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) Student Score Report document
Family signing a consent form to have information directly shared with the contractor, or
Contractor enters into a written agreement following Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) guidelines in order to share that information
If a contractor is unable to obtain the EL designation they must conduct the Family Language Instrument to determine the DLL status of the child.
How to Support Dual Language Learners

After determining the DLL status of the child, contractors must conduct the Family Language and Interest Interview with families of all children identified as dual language learners.
When scheduling the interview with families, allow about 15 minutes for each interview and embed into your already existing family engagement structure.
During the interview, teachers should:
Engage in rich dialogue with families
Share resources & tools families can use at home
Data Reporting Requirements

According to the regulations, contractors are required to report data on dual language learners enrolled in a CSPP along with family, classroom, & teacher information.
NOTE: All CSPP children, both part-day & full-day & both DLL & non-DLL children, must be submitted in the report.
DLL reporting is done through the Preschool Language Information System, referred to as PLIS using the same credentials used for Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS).
The PLIS report is required to be submitted on a quarterly basis, beginning April 2023.
NOTE: Ensure reports are submitted timely as CDE will integrate the PLIS reporting requirements into already established payment withholding procedures.
Complete Knowledge Check ❯
After reviewing the video lesson & sketch pad notes, it’s time to check for understanding by completing a Knowledge Check. Note that Individual Knowledge Checks will conclude with a Certificate.