Password | |
Lesson 1
Family Selection
Lesson 2
Family Data File
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Parent Involvement & Education
Lesson 5
Health & Social Services
Lesson 6
Site Licensure & License Exempt
Lesson 7
Staff-Child Ratios
Lesson 8
Classroom Assessment System
Lesson 9
Nutritional Needs
Lesson 10
Desired Results Profile & Data
Lesson 11
Qualified Staff & Director
Lesson 12
Staff Development Program
Lesson 13
Refrain from Religious Instruction
Lesson 14
Inventory Records
Lesson 15
Annual Evaluation Plan
Lesson 16
Lesson 17
CDMIS 801A & 801B Reporting

California must report information to the federal government on subsidized child care & development programs to receive federal matching grant funds & to comply with state & federally mandated reporting requirements. The CDD-801A information collection report is used for this purpose.
Fiscal Handbook: Child Development Attendance & Fiscal Reporting & Reimbursement Procedures
Watch Video Lesson ❯
Sample Forms/Tools ❯
Reporting Forms/Tools
Review Sketch Pad Notes ❯
CDD-801A Report
CDD-801A Report Overview

CDD-801A, Monthly Child Care Population Report, is a monthly data collection report in which all contractors report specific information on all families receiving subsidized child care & development services.
The information collected from the CDD-801A report:
Informs public policy for child care & development services in California
Identifies unserved & underserved areas
Reporting within the Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS)

CDMIS is the main database system that the departments use to collect information about families, children, & providers. Contractors must log-on to the CDMIS live website to fulfill their CDD-801A reporting requirements (password required).
Report is due on the 20th of the month following the end of the report period. Example: February 2024 report is due by March 20, 2024.
Late notifications are sent via email to agencies who fail to submit CDD-801A Report or fail to report “No Services” on the following business day.
NOTE: Reports not submitted by the final date of late notification will have apportionments withheld until report is submitted.
CDD-801A Submission:
CDD-801A Web Input/Edit: Manually add family information into the CDMIS website & copy family information from one month to the next. Once copied forward, families’ information can be added, deleted, or modified to reflect the actual services provided during the report month.
CDD-801A Electronic File Transfer: Generate & upload a specially formatted text file to the CDMIS website. The text file contains all family, child & provider information for the report period.
NOTE: Agencies may switch between &/or use a combination of the two reporting methods to fulfill the CDD-801A reporting requirement.
Reporting “No Services”
CDE CDMIS Resources. Reporting No Services [Video]. Embedded July 8, 2022 from
CDD-801A is still required when services were not provided for an entire contract or program during a report month
Contractors must submit a repot indicating “No Services”
Common Errors

During data quality reviews, CDMIS Staff reviews monthly reports for the following irregularities:
Duplicate families
Inconsistent child counts from month to month
Invalid Head of Household or Provider Zip Codes
Excessive number of children reported for the same provider
Revise reports as soon as possible if discrepancies are found between what was reported & actually served.
Reports are locked after 90 days after they are due & no further changes can be made.
What this might look like in a program:
Contractors conduct quality reviews to ensure data within the family data file is accurately reported on the CDD-801A report.
Program Reviews

During a program review, the file selection is determined from a random selection of your agencies CDD-801A monthly population report.
Ensure data within the CDD-801A report, whether entered manually or electronically, aligns with the hard copy data within the family data file.
Remember that all pieces are tied together.
NOTE: Contractors must report all families and children who were enrolled for subsidized services during the report month
Complete Knowledge Check ❯
After reviewing the video lesson & sketch pad notes, it’s time to check for understanding by completing a Knowledge Check. Note that Individual Knowledge Checks will conclude with a Certificate.