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In addition to contractors annually self monitoring their programs, every 3 years & as resources permit, the California Department of Education (CDE) & California Department of Social Services (CDSS) is required by law to:
Validate contract compliance & program quality through the monitoring review process
Identify areas that meet requirements or need improvement
Informs CDE or CDSS of areas future training & guidance is needed
Watch Video Lesson ❯
Sample Forms/Tools ❯
Family Data File Monitoring Tools
Planning & Monitoring Guides
State Program Monitoring Instruments
Review Sketch Pad Notes ❯

The assigned Consultant/Analyst with CDE or CDSS will send the contractor a letter approximately 45 days prior to the review date.
The notification will include:
Review dates
Contract types & sites
Sites that will be reviewed
Designated reviewers
Entrance meeting time and place
Exit meeting
Prior to the Review

30 days prior to the review, a copy of your participant handbook must be submitted to the reviewer. The reviewer will in turn start reviewing the participant policy handbook prior to the review.
Download the Program Instrument and prepare samples of all items that apply to your agency’s contract types.
Note: Contractors participating in a local pilot will be monitored according to the approved pilot plan.
When preparing files for the review:
Arrange files in numerical order in the same sequence as they appear on the random sampling file list provided for the review
Cross reference the siblings list numbers on the family file if the review list contains sibling within the same family
During the Review

The review team will look at the documentation at the start of the review & may request additional documentation during the review to help support an item.
Typically, the reviewers will:
Debrief daily or as needed
Conduct a pre-exit meeting to identify and confirm any findings
Finalize the report for CDE or CDSS
Make arrangements for the Exit Meeting along with providing the final written report
After the Review

The Agency must respond to any findings in the Summary of Findings Report. The agency will be required to respond to Findings, if any, within 45 days of the review by providing a Program Action plan or any new evidence for resolution.
Some findings will require a follow-up visit. Consultant/Analyst will notify the agency if a follow-up visit is required. If the program cannot resolve items not meeting requirements within the 45 day period after the review, the agency may request a resolution agreement to allow more time.
Note: Consultant/Analyst must clear the items in the form of a follow up visit or letter of clearance.
Complete Knowledge Check ❯
After reviewing the video lesson & sketch pad notes, it’s time to check for understanding by completing a Knowledge Check. Note that Individual Knowledge Checks will conclude with a Certificate.