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Lesson 7
Site Licensure & License Exempt

Compliance Indicator
Each site/family child care home has a current license issued by the authorized licensing agency unless the site is exempt from licensure.
CCD Program Instrument: III. Program Quality CCD 10
Welfare & Institutions Code: 10208 & 10250
Title 5: 18020
Title 22: 101158[a][8] & 101218.1
Monitoring Review Evidence
Current License
Contactor process for addressing temporary suspension, probation or revocation
Evidence of License Exempt Status
Watch Video Lesson ❯
NOTE: CDSS Community Care Licensing videos provide a deeper dive into many of these topics. Note that these videos have been directly embedded within the Sketch Pad Notes below.
Sample Forms/Tools/Links ❯
Review Sketch Pad Notes ❯
As part of the record keeping requirements within Alternative Payment programs, contractors must retain site licensure & license exempt status records of providers who wish to participate in the program as this will determine their eligibility & limits to reimbursement for each provider.
Licensed Facility
CDSS Community Care Licensing Division. An Overview of Community Care Licensing [Video]. Embedded June 1, 2022 from
California Department of Social Services, Child Care Licensing Program provides oversight & enforcement for licensed Child Care Centers & Family Child Care Homes through 21 Regional Offices located throughout California.
When a facility is initially approved, a license will be issued.
License must be posted at the center or family child care home at all times.
A license has an effective date, but not an expiration date. To maintain an active license a facility must:
Operate according to the California Health & Safety Code & Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations
Pay licensing fees
Licensed providers include:
Child Care Center
Licensed Family Child Care Home
What this might look like in a program:
To be eligible for reimbursement, licensed providers must submit a copy of their license along with their provider participation documentation.
Licensing Monitoring & Inspection
CDSS Community Care Licensing Division. Community Care Licensing Inspection Authority [Video]. Embedded June 1, 2022 from
The Child Care Licensing Program is responsible to visit facilities to conduct:
Pre-licensing inspections
Unannounced facility inspections
Complaint investigations
Follow-up inspections.
After each visit, the Licensing Program Analyst will issue a facility evaluation report, that if applicable will include any citations.
Licensed Provider Status Change

Probationary Status
If the local Resource and Referral informs the AP that a licensed provider is placed on probationary status, within two business days, the contractor must:
Provide written notice to parents receiving subsidies from AP & enrolled in the facility that the facility has been placed on probation & the parents have an option to make alternate childcare arrangements or may remain with the facility without risk of subsidy payments being terminated
To the extent possible, ensure the written notification is provided in the parent’s primary language.
Temporary Suspension or Licensed Revoked
If the local Resource and Referral informs the AP that a licensed provider is placed on temporary suspension or their license is revoked, within two business days, the contractor must:
Terminate payment to the facility for services provided as of the effective date of the suspension or revocation. The facility will be reimbursed for services provided prior to the effective date of the status change
Provide written notice to parents receiving subsidies from AP and enrolled in the facility that the payment has been terminated along with the reason for the termination
To the extent possible, ensure the written notification is provided in the parent’s primary language.
NOTE: Contractors must document actions taken & retain a copy of the notification provided as it must be available to the CDSS upon request.
License-Exempt Provider

License-exempt providers include:
A center or program that meet the requirements for reimbursement from an AP
Relative who is an aunt, uncle or grandparent of the child, or
Trustline cleared family member, friend or neighbor
License-exempt child care center conditions include:
Meeting minimum attendance & invoice requirements
Provide adult supervision for all children
Submit signed statement regarding criminal history background of all employees
Trustline Registration Revocation/Tuberculosis (License-Exempt Provider)

If the local Resource and Referral informs the AP that:
License-exempt provider’s TrustLine registration is revoked, or
Receives reliable & documented information that the license-exempt provider has active or contagious tuberculosis, or
License-exempt provider has been convicted of any crime involving violence against, or abuse or neglect of children
the contractor must terminate reimbursement to the provider for services provided as of the effective date on the TrustLine revocation notice or the date on which the AP contractor received reliable & documented information of active or contagious tuberculosis or of a conviction of any crime involving violence against, or abuse or neglect of, children.
Upon receipt of documented information, the AP must:
Notify provider AND parent in writing that payment has been denied or terminated along with reason for action
Refer parent to local R&R for assistance with finding a new provider, &
Document & retain documentation of action as it must be available to CDSS upon request
NOTE: If the action taken affects the provider of a current CalWORKs cash aided parent, the program must inform the local county welfare department if services cannot be transferred to another provider without a gap in services.
Complete Knowledge Check ❯
After reviewing the video lesson & sketch pad notes, it’s time to check for understanding by completing a Knowledge Check. Note that Individual Knowledge Checks will conclude with a Certificate.