Lesson 1
Program Entry
Lesson 2
Family Data File
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Provider Participation
Lesson 5
Provider Reimbursement
Lesson 6
AP Policies & Consumer Education
Lesson 7
Site Licensure & License-Exempt
Lesson 8
Staff Development/Provider Support
Lesson 9
Inventory Records
Lesson 10
Annual Evaluation Plan
Lesson 11
Lesson 12
CDMIS 801A & 801B Reporting
The CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work Program is open to anyone receiving CalWORKs cash aid.
Anyone receiving CalWORKs cash aid must participate in the Welfare-to-Work program unless that person is exempt. Individuals are exempt when they have a good reason for not participating, such as being ill or incapacitated or are caring for an incapacitated person.
The intent of the legislature is that families experience no break in their child care services when transitioning between the CalWORKs Stages 1, 2 & 3.
CCD Program Instrument: II. Family Engagement & Support CCD 06
Welfare & Institutions Code: 10271, 10272, 10272.5, 10273
Title 5: 18105, 18106, 18107, 18131, 18133
Monitoring Review Evidence
Eligibility files for most recent enrolled family will be reviewed.
Watch Video Lesson ❯
Review Sketch Pad Notes ❯
Who Can Enter the CalWORKs Program
The CalWORKs Child Care Program was established in 1997 to provide subsidized services for welfare to work program participants and low-income families.
The CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work Program is open to anyone receiving CalWORKs cash aid. Anyone receiving CalWORKs cash aid must participate in the Welfare-to-Work program unless that person is exempt. Individuals are exempt when they have a good reason for not participating, such as being ill or incapacitated or are caring for an incapacitated person.
The intent of the legislature is that families experience no break in their child care services when transitioning between the CalWORKs Stages 1, 2 & 3.
Age Eligibility
The regulations require that children are AGE eligible for Alternative Payment programs. Age eligible children may participate in the program from:
Birth through 12 years of age
Children unable to care for themselves due to a documented disability may be served to age 21
What this may look like in a program:
As part of the enrollment process, a child’s age is verified through documentation provided by the parent.
Stage 1 child care subsidies are available when families receiving CalWORKs cash-aid are participating in an activity approved by County Welfare Department.
Stage 1 families are transitioned into Stage 2 when one of the following qualifications are met:
Considered stable (6 months or less)
Working or approved activity is stable
Transitioning off CalWORKs cash aid
CalWORKs Stage 2
Stage 2 child care subsidies are for current Adult Parent CalWORKs cash-aid recipients who are participating in an approved activity and former recipients of welfare to work cash aid within the past 24 months or received a lump sum diversion payment or diversion services when a funded space is not immediately available within Stage 3, are income eligible & have an approved need for services. Two "time clocks" must be kept:
Transferred family will remain eligible & receive services for not less than 12 months from the transfer date
Once the parent stops receiving CalWORKs cash-aid, the family is limited to 24 months of child care subsidies in Stage 2.
CalWORKs Stage 3
Stage 3 child care subsidies may begin after utilizing 24 months of Stage 2 services as long as the family is eligible & has a need for services (must transfer within the 24th month). Services in Stage 3 would start on the 1st day of the 25th month.
At recertification, families must be CalWORKs recipients or have received a lump-sum diversion payment or diversion services OR be a former CalWORKs participant with an income that does not exceed 85% of the state median income.
Complete Knowledge Check ❯
After reviewing the video lesson & sketch pad notes, it’s time to check for understanding by completing a Knowledge Check. Note that Individual Knowledge Checks will conclude with a Certificate.