Lesson 1
Program Entry
Lesson 2
Family Data File
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Provider Participation
Lesson 5
Provider Reimbursement
Lesson 6
AP Policies & Consumer Education
Lesson 7
Site Licensure & License-Exempt
Lesson 8
Staff Development/Provider Support
Lesson 9
Inventory Records
Lesson 10
Annual Evaluation Plan
Lesson 11
Lesson 12
CDMIS 801A & 801B Reporting
The CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work Program is open to anyone receiving CalWORKs cash aid.
Anyone receiving CalWORKs cash aid must participate in the Welfare-to-Work program unless that person is exempt. Individuals are exempt when they have a good reason for not participating, such as being ill or incapacitated or are caring for an incapacitated person.
The intent of the legislature is that families experience no break in their child care services when transitioning between the CalWORKs Stages 1, 2 & 3.
CCD Program Instrument: II. Family Engagement & Support CCD 06
Welfare & Institutions Code: 10271, 10272, 10272.5, 10273
Title 5: 18105, 18106, 18107, 18131, 18133
Monitoring Review Evidence
Eligibility files for most recent enrolled family will be reviewed.