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Lesson 2
Family Data File
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Parent Involvement & Education
Lesson 5
Health & Social Services
Lesson 6
Site Licensure & License Exempt
Lesson 7
Staff-Child Ratios
Lesson 8
Environment Rating Scale
Lesson 9
Nutritional Needs
Lesson 10
Desired Results Profile & Data
Lesson 11
Qualified Staff & Director
Lesson 12
Staff Development
Lesson 13
Refrain from Religious Instruction
Lesson 14
Inventory Records
Lesson 15
Annual Evaluation Plan
Lesson 16
Lesson 17
CDMIS 801A & 801B Reporting

Families with children enrolled in the program have met the eligibility requirements of that contract, & the required documentation is complete. A family data file has been established for each family, including a completed application for services & supporting documentation.
CCD Program Instrument: I. Family Files CCD 01, 02, 03 & 04
Title 5: 18081
Monitoring Review Evidence
Application for Services & Information Verification
Records of Eligibility, Residency & Family Size
Records of Verification of Eligibility Information
Written Materials for Parents
Watch Video Lesson ❯
Sample Forms/Tools ❯
File Checklists
Parent Enrollment Checklists/Tools
Family Data File Monitoring Tool
Review Sketch Pad Notes ❯
Family Data File

Child Data File (Licensing)

The regulations require a family data file be established for each family receiving subsidized care, including a completed application for services & supporting documentation.
What this might look like in a program:
Family provides documentation based on the Parent Enrollment Checklist that includes what is needed for the program, along with what is needed for child care licensing
Enrollment Specialist reviews documentation to determine if it meets the requirements
Enrollment Specialist completes an Application for Services based on supporting documentation. The application is then reviewed with the parent. Parent signs confirming their information is correct
Enrollment Specialist issues an approval or denial Notice of Action
Enrollment Specialist organizes the file based on the Family Data File Checklist and Child Data File Checklist
Alternating Residence

According to the regulations, when a child’s residence alternates between the homes of separated or divorced parents, eligibility must be determined separately for each household in which the child is residing during the time child development services are needed.
Child lives at mom’s house every other week & dad’s house every other week
Since the child alternates between both mom & dad’s house, 2 separate family data files with separate applications & supporting documents for each parent must be completed
Foster Parent/Guardian

According to the regulations, when a child & his or her siblings are living in a family that does not include their biological or adoptive parent, “family” shall be considered the child & related siblings.
In this household there are 3 different families
First family: Unrelated foster child
Second family: Married couple with one child
Third family: Two siblings that are foster children
In this example, if all children were enrolled from this household, 3 separate family data files with separate applications & supporting documents for each family must be completed
Proof of Residency

According to the regulations, families enrolled in a subsidized program must live in California; therefore, the state requires programs to have proof of residency in the family data file.
Evidence of a street address or post office address
Homeless may submit declaration that they reside in California
Determination of eligibility shall be without regard to the immigration status of the child or the child's parent(s), unless under a final order of deportation from the United States Department of Homeland Security
Health & Emergency Information

The family data file must include all child health & current emergency information required by California Code of Regulations and a copy of the Immunization Records.
For sites licensed by Community Care Licensing, additional documentation is required:
Child’s Preadmission Health History - Parent’s Report (LIC 702)
Physician’s Report (non-school age only) (LIC 701)
Parent’s Rights Form (LIC 995A)
Personal Rights Form (LIC 613A)
Consent for Emergency Medical Treatment Form (LIC 627)
Exceptional Needs

If a child has exceptional needs, documentation is required in order to claim the exceptional needs adjustment factor.
The file must contain CURRENT exceptional needs documentation such as:
Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) OR
Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Court Order

If the family has a court order that impacts child care & development services, this must be included in the family data file too.
Language Instrument

The Family Language Instrument is used to identify if the family has a primary home language other than English
File System

As you start to build a family data file, think of it as telling the family’s story through documentation. Anyone who picks up the file to review it, should clearly understand the family’s eligibility story.
Make No Assumptions
Organize documentation. Use a File Checklist as a guide to set-up EACH file
Include case notes for unique situations or special requests
If applicable, include staff attestations
NOTE: If a document in the family data file is being used to provide proof of multiple items, then it is best practice to record what proof it applies too
For example: Paystub that includes an address might be used to document income eligibility & residency. Make a note at the bottom of the document stating “Proof of eligibility & residency”
Tool used to check work & provide an opportunity for training as it relates to the components of a Family Data File. Ideas for using this monitoring tool:
After completing all lessons related to the family data file, new employee reviews multiple files for the purpose of understanding how all of the components learned are put together to build the family data file
Quarterly, enrollment staff & supervisor(s) randomly select family data files to be reviewed. This time is used to check work & provide an opportunity for hands-on training for ALL staff levels. Sample Guidelines:
Cross review files (Review co-workers files, not your own)
Create ground rules that support open conversation (“No judgement” zone)
Clear purpose is to network, learn together as a team & identify areas that need tweaked or further support
Complete Knowledge Check ❯
After reviewing the video lesson & sketch pad notes, it’s time to check for understanding by completing a Knowledge Check. Note that Individual Knowledge Checks will conclude with a Certificate.