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Lesson 2
Family Data File
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Parent Involvement & Education
Lesson 5
Health & Social Services
Lesson 6
Site Licensure & License Exempt
Lesson 7
Staff-Child Ratios
Lesson 8
Environment Rating Scale
Lesson 9
Nutritional Needs
Lesson 10
Desired Results Profile & Data
Lesson 11
Qualified Staff & Director
Lesson 12
Staff Development
Lesson 13
Refrain from Religious Instruction
Lesson 14
Inventory Records
Lesson 15
Annual Evaluation Plan
Lesson 16
Lesson 17
CDMIS 801A & 801B Reporting

Compliance Indicator
The contractor complies with the program’s due process requirements, including:
Providing parents with written information regarding their responsibility to comply with program rules
Issuing a Notice of Action where appropriate
Establishing procedures for parental appeal of any contractor’s decision contained in the Notice of Action
CCD Program Instrument: I. Family Files CCD 04
Welfare & Institutions Code: 10271
Title 5: 18094, 18095, 18118, 18119, 18120, 18121, 18122, 18400[k]&[l], 18418, 18419, 18433, 18434
Monitoring Review Evidence
Current Blank Notice of Action
Parent Appeal Procedures
Recently Completed Notice of Action & Parent Appeal
Written Materials for Parents
Watch Video Lesson ❯
Sample Forms/Tools ❯
Notice of Action
Appeal Tools/Decision Letters
Parent Handbook
Review Sketch Pad Notes ❯
Notice of Action (NOA) Overview
Use NOA to Communicate Action

According to the regulations, the contractor's decision to approve, deny or change services must be communicated to the applicant through a written statement referred to as a Notice of Action (NOA).
There is a Notice of Action available for contractor’s to use.
NOTE: Do not use NOA to request missing items. A system must be in place to request items, such as a letter that includes due dates and/or a checklist informing the parent what is needed in order to recertify services
When to Issue a NOA

Based on the regulations a NOA must be issued:
Within 30 calendar days of a parent’s signature on application for services
Within 10 business days of submitting documents requesting a change in services
Note: The Notice of Action should be provided in the parent’s primary language.
There are 5 main reasons or categories for issuing a NOA:
Change in Services
Family Fees
What this might look like in a program:
At the time of application: Parent submits enrollment documentation & signed an application for services on January 14, 2023. Agency Representative verifies eligibility & issues NOA on January 15th which did not exceed the allowed 30 days from the date parent signed the application for services.
At the time of requesting a change in services: Parent submits Request to Change Services form, along with supporting documentation. Within 10 days, a NOA is issued indicating the approved or denied change in services
Completing the NOA
Section 1. Notice of Action

Depending upon the reason the NOA is being issued, within Section 1 either 1.A. Application for Services OR 1.B. Recipient of Services would be completed.
1.A. Application for Services
1.B. Recipient of Services
Change in Services
Family Fees
Section 2. Distribution of Notice

The contractor must provide information on how & when the NOA was provided to the parent:
If the NOA is given to a parent, the “Given to Parent” box is checked AND the agency representative must have the parent initial the original NOA on the date they receive it.
When the NOA is mailed, check the “Mailed to Parent” box & insert the date it is placed in the mail. If the NOA is certified, express mailed, or registered, also insert the tracking number.
Section 3. Parent/Caretaker Information

Include the parent’s contact information as it appears in the family data file.
Section 4. Approved Child Care Services

Enter the names of the child or children receiving services & the program code. Program code options may be found within the Application for Services instructions page.
The NOA must reflect the certified days & hours of care eligible for reimbursement as indicated on the Application for Services.
For consistent schedules, enter the certified days & hours of care.
For variable schedules, the maximum weekly hours is entered.
Additionally, record the appropriate part-time &/or full-time flat monthly fee according to the most current CCD fee schedule & as recorded on the application for services.
Section 5. Basis for Family Eligibility for Services

Select the family’s eligibility criteria:
Child Protective Services
At-Risk of abuse, neglect or exploitation
CalWORKs Cash Aid Recipient
Receiving Benefits from Certain Governmental Program
Income Eligible
NOTE: If the family has more than one eligibility criteria, select all that apply.
Section 6. Basis for Family Need for Services

An entry is only required for programs that have a need requirement. The need criteria must be entered for all adults counted in the family size. Need criteria includes:
Children whose eligibility is CPS or At-Risk
Seeking employment
Vocational training
Engaged in an educational program
Seeking permanent housing
Section 7. Reason for Action

The specific reason for the action being taken must be included.
The NOA Cheat Sheet provides sample language that may be used.
When indicating the action, be sure the action aligns with program policies
Section. 8 -10

The final section of the Notice of Action includes:
8. Agency Name
9. Name/Title of Agency Representative
10. Signature of Agency Representative
Due Process

In the event that a family’s services will be discontinued for any reason, a NOA must be issued.
A termination of service can either be:
Parent initiated: May be due to child no longer needing services
Agency initiated: Due to non-compliance of a regulation or policy
Before sending an NOA to a family for failing to provide eligibility information, the contractor must be able to demonstrate that a written request for the information preceded the NOA. Basically remember a few things:
Use NOA’s to inform parents of an action being taken.
Do not use NOA to request missing items. A system must be in place to request items, such as a letter that includes due dates &/or a checklist informing the parent what is needed in order to recertify services.
Appeal is due by timelines:
14 days if given to parent/emailed
19 days if mailed
What this might look like in a program:
Parents are issued a NOA that includes both the front & back of the Notice of Action.
Contractors use the specific language from the agency disenrollment policy that is typically written in your parent handbook.
Due Process Instructions

According to the regulations, all NOAs must contain instructions for the parent on how to request a hearing if the parent does not agree with the contractor’s action.
For CDSS programs, contractors must include the California Department of Social Services appeals unit contact information within step 5:
California Department of Social Services
Child Care & Development Division
Attn: Appeals Coordinator
744 P Street, MS 9-7-354
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 1-833-559-2417
Fax: 916-654-1048
If the parent disagrees with the action, the parent may file a request for a hearing with the contractor within 14 calendar days of the date the NOA was received.
NOTE: When a family has children enrolled in both CDE & CDSS programs, and the action being taken affects all children, the contractor must issue two NOAs to the family:
One for the child(ren) enrolled in the CSPP that includes the contact information for the CDE Appeals Unit, &
A separate NOA for the child(ren) enrolled in CDSS programs, that includes the contact information for the CDSS Appeals Unit.
If the parent disagrees with the action, the parent may file a request for a hearing with the contractor within 14 calendar days of the date the Notice of Action was received.
What this might look like in a program:
Contractors include Due Process instructions within the parent handbook.
Levels of Appeal

There are two levels of appeal:
First Level: A local hearing conducted by a hearing officer who is not involved with the decision. This is typically a neutral person at your agency whose position is at least 1 step higher than the agency representative who issued the NOA.
Second Level: In the event that a parent disagrees with the decision of the hearing officer, then at the second level a state level appeal is conducted by the California Department of Social Services.
What this might look like in a program:
Jim is issued a termination of service due to failure to provide the required documentation to establish eligibility.
During the first level appeal, the appeals officer denies Jim’s appeal. Jim did not provide the documentation requested by the enrollment specialist.
Jim disagrees with the decision of the hearing officer & submits an appeal to CDSS.
CDSS will review program policies along with first level appeal support documentation & make a decision on the basis of what the Title 5 regulations state & the information that was provided.
For center-based programs, in the event that the action taken is due to child suspension or expulsion, a request for an appeal hearing is sent directly to the program(s) State Department, no later than 14 calendar days after receipt of the notice.
The effective date of the suspension or expulsion may not be less than 24 hours after serving the notice of action.
NOTE: Since the action to suspend or expel the child involves persistent and serious behaviors impacting the safety of children, the child may not attend the program during the appeal process.
For samples on implementing the Suspension or Expulsion process, see our Suspension | Expulsion Kit located within the platform resources.
Complete Knowledge Check ❯
After reviewing the video lesson & sketch pad notes, it’s time to check for understanding by completing a Knowledge Check. Note that Individual Knowledge Checks will conclude with a Certificate.